Association Pro Loco Dama in Casentino presents the fourth edition of Lo Scattone Photo Contest open to all photographers with any skill levels and any ages. The theme of this edition is: ‘FACES’.
Competitors will be able to decide to send their photos also exclusively online by sending them, according to the procedures mentioned in point No 3 directly from this page of our website . In this case, only the pictures choose from the jury, will be printed (at least one for each participants). Remains also possibility to send photo by ordinary mail in this case, the photos shall be ALREADY PRINTED.
Competitors may submit no more than 4 images (B/W or color). If the photos are sent by ordinary mail, they should have a format 30 x 40 cm. photos with lower dimensions must be mounted on cardboard to be around 30 x 40 cm.
Photo, Entry form and fee must be sent until 10th AUGUST 2011.
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